Hosted by the Ouse & Adur Rivers Trust and formed in 2011, the Adur & Ouse Catchment Partnership brings together a range of organisations, groups, agencies and individuals all committed to working together. Our aim is simple, to work together to improve the water environment and surrounding landscape of our catchment for both people and wildlife – this is the ‘Catchment Based Approach’.

We have a shared vision which has been compiled as a management plan to enable us to work towards our objectives which are to;

  • ensure that marine environments are clean, productive and biologically diverse
  • enable rivers to function naturally and are able to support a wide range of native species
  • meet the challenge to improve water quality and the demand for supply
  • promote and deliver natural solutions to flood risk management across the catchment
  • enable communities to embrace waterbodies in their local area and ensure their enthusiasm and knowledge is sought as part of decision-making processes

Working in partnership enables us to bring our diverse knowledge together to ensure we are achieving the most we can in the most sustainable and cost efficient manner. We are always interested to hear from organisations, business or individuals who want to find out more or get involved in the group.

Explore the website and find out more about our work and future ambitions and sign up to our newsletter to be kept informed of our activities.

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