
We want to make sure that this website is accessible for everyone. The following tips may help you get the best out of the website. Text size The website has been written to allow you to easily change the text size to make it either larger or smaller via your browser settings. Some browsers will … Continued

Partner logos


We would like to thank the following photographers for permission to use their excellent images to enhance this website: Steve Brookwell Malcolm Bull Vicki Clowe Steve Dent Andy Grace Henry Hemming Jayne Howard Paul Howzey Jason…lost in Norfolk James Lynch Andrew Marks Sam Moore Barry Mung Paula Oakley Andrew Parsons Geoff Penn Garry Prescott Leigh … Continued

Cookie policy

What are cookies? Cookies are small, often encrypted, text files, which are stored on your computer when you visit some websites. They are used to remember useful information which allows certain functionality within the website to work, for example remembering where you have reached within an order process, or if you’ve logged in to a … Continued



3rd and 4th order tributaries Refers to the hierarchical arrangement of tributaries, where the 1st order tributary is typically the least in size Agri-environment schemes Schemes that provide payments to farmers for effective land management to protect the environment and wildlife Aquifer Underground layers of water bearing rock Asset Management Programme A water company plan … Continued


Brighton and Hove City Council Brighton and Lewes Downs Biosphere Catchment Based Approach Policy Framework Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Environment Agency Forestry Commission Marine Management Organisation Natural England National Trust Ouse and Adur Rivers Trust Ouse Upstream Thinking South Downs National Park Authority South East Water Southern Water Sussex Inshore Fisheries … Continued

Privacy statement

The Adur and Ouse Partnership will safeguard and preserve the privacy of our visitors. This policy has been provided by the legal resource DIY Legals and explains what happens to any personal data that you provide to us, or that we collect from you whilst you visit our site and how we use cookies on this website. Information That … Continued

Doing more

Contact us Complete our survey so that we can better understand what you think and what you’re interested in Volunteer with one of our local environmental organisations, such as the Sussex Wildlife Trust or the Ouse & Adur Rivers Trust Suggest a new project Report pollution incidents using the Environment Agency’s pollution hotline 0800 80 … Continued

Catchment evidence

Adur and Ouse evidence pack Environment Agency PDF maps   Gareth Williams Nitrate source apportionment model for the Brighton Chalk block South Downs National Park Authority   Jeremy Burgess Impacts of climate change on the SE RBD Environment Agency PDF report   Geostore Environment Agency On-line GIS information tool   Habitat potential models Sussex Biodiversity … Continued

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