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Adur and Ouse Catchment host Ouse & Adur Rivers Trust Environment Agency co-ordinator Adur and Ouse Catchment Co-ordinatorgareth.williams
Surface Water Quality Objective Target Action Partners Timescale Status Research and investigate the current status of surface water quality in the Adur and Ouse, and establish and maintain a reliable evidence base to underpin this work Demonstrate a thorough understanding of surface water quality issues in the Adur and Ouse catchments Agree on a methodology … Continued
Groundwater Objective Target Action Partners Timescale Status All risks to groundwater quality and quantity will have been identified and communicated using the ‘ecosystem approach’ through sharing of evidence, leading to a good understanding of the functioning of the aquifers and ecosystem services Construct a robust evidence base by drawing together current research and data from … Continued
Coastal Waters Objective Target Action Partners Timescale Status Facilitate actions to achieve Good Ecological Status (GES) and Good Ecological Potential (GEP) in transitional and coastal waters Improve the naturalness of coasts and estuaries Influence existing coastal defence strategies and dredging regimes by establishing and promoting protocols that mitigate against the impacts from these activities on … Continued
An extensive suite of 38 walkovers over the main river Uck, to assess current conditions and identify future opportunities for improvements.
An extensive suite of 32 walkovers of the tributaries to the main river Uck, to assess current conditions and identify future opportunities for improvements.
Installation of eel passes, at structures known to obstruct or prevent eels from accessing upstream habitats.