OART Appoints Project and Administrative Coordinator

OART has just appointed Rachel Paget as its Project and Administrative Coordinator for an initial one year term. Working alongside Pete King, OART’s Project Officer, Rachel will be focussing her attention on project development, communications and publicity.

Brazil UK Learning Event

On Tuesday 28 April the Adur and Ouse catchment welcomed Carolina Pinto and 2 colleagues from the Re-naturalize Project for Mangarai in Brazil. Pete King of the Ouse and Adur Rivers Trust (OART) led a guided walk at Buxted Park Weir (MORPH) on the River Uck and Sheffield Park (MORPH) on the Ouse.

Water Matters – Gauge meets the Biosphere Saturday and Sunday 16 & 17 May

Brighton & Lewes Downs Biosphere has a free all-ages event at the Brighton Festival. Come and hear speakers at 2pm on both days or drop in between 10 am and 6pm.

Job Opportunity

OART is inviting applications from self-employed candidates for a part-time Project and Administrative Coordinator post. If you are interested in this postion please send a full C.V. to st.pierre@oart.org.uk.

Restoring Natural Processes on the Knepp Estate

Read Fran Southgate’s account of the day she spent with volunteers on the western arm of the River Adur.

Sussex Wildlife Trust Article

Fisheries, Biodiversity and Geomorphology Winter Newsletter

The Environment Agency’s Fisheries, Biodiversity and Geomorphology Winter Newsletter celebrates the successes of its teams in East and West Sussex, Hampshire and on the Isle of Wight. There is a particular focus on working in partnership with others.

Read the Winter Newsletter

Shipley tilting gate is removed

Shipley tilting gate, on the Knepp Estate, has been removed to enable fish to once more swim upstream on the western arm of the Adur.

Waterbody summaries right column

Brighton Chalk Integrated Catchment Management Partnership (Brighton ChaMP)

Improving land management practices to protect and improve the quality of groundwater in the aquifer, to ensure it remains a sustainable water resource for public water supply.  

Adur Restoration of Physical Habitats (ARPHA)

A project to deliver a strategic action plan for the upper Adur, to improve ecological status, wider biodiversity and natural flood risk management.  

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